
Custom Engineered Plastics for Coatings Removal and Surface Preparation for Composites, Aluminum, and Steel.

Welcome to US Technology Media Inc., where we specialize and are a top tier supplier of various medias to the Military, Aerospace, Electronic, Mold Cleaning, Automotive, Marine and many other industries. US Technology Media does more than just supply media that rapidly removes coatings from delicate to hard surfaces, UST Media also offers technical support for applications, media, and equipment. We have trained instructors in the field that can come to your facility and help with technical support that is beneficial to your entire operation.  In addition, we offer parts testing to determine the right media for your application and a certified training program

for your employees at your facility or ours. Click on the contact tab above or

below and find your representative by using the map locations.

Custom Engineered Plastics for Coatings Removal

Depainting  -  Cleaning  -  Surface Preparation  -  Deflashing  -  Free Testing